Edward Burd Grubb, Jr.

Edward Burd Grubb, Jr. was a Union Army regimental commander in the American Civil War who was later appointed by President Benjamin Harrison as United States Ambassador to Spain. He served in three regiments, commanded two of them, and became a brevet Brigadier General of Volunteers. He was also a noted foundryman, business owner and New Jersey politician who was close to Woodrow Wilson.

Edward Burd Grubb, Jr. was born in Burlington, New Jersey, to a fourthgeneration member of the Grubb Family Iron Dynasty, Edward Burd Grubb and his wife Euphemia Parker. The Grubb family was descended from John Grubb who came from Cornwall, England and settled in Delaware in the early 1680s. He was educated at Burlington College, later named St. Marys HallDoane Academy and graduated in 1860, just five months before Abraham Lincoln was elected as President.

Source: Wikipedia